Shipping policy

To return your product, you should mail your product to the address that the support service will send you. Our warehouses are located all over the world.


We have 100% FREE Worldwide Shipping! All Orders, No Minimum!

When will I receive tracking information:

Within a week of your order being fulfilled (shipped), you will receive notification of your tracking number.

If you do not receive your tracking number within 7 business days, please contact us

Please note we can't ship to armed forces (APO / FPO). 


Shipping Time:

We have 2 shipping options for most of our products. Free Shipping and Fast Shipping - On both cases, we’ll keep you updated by email and SMS about your shipping and delivery status almost every day.

- FREE Standard Shipping Worldwide:

No minimum order required - Orders are processed after 24 hours since payment is processed. Deliveries take on average 20-25 days. Weekends are not included.

Tracking Info: Allow 48 hours after purchase to receive the number. Weekends are not included.

Delivery don’t required signature.


Tracking Info: You will receive the tracking number and shipping status after 24 hours of your purchase. Weekends are not included.

Delivery required customer signature.


Note: In some countries, delivery can be delayed by customs. We’ll let you know.

We recommend that you keep an eye on your tracking.

If you have more than one item, its very likely you will receive them separately. Each item will have its own shipping code.